Welcome to my little corner of the internet.
I'm a full stack web developer based out of Waterloo, Iowa. I build apps primarily in EmberJS and Symfony, but I have an interest in all things tech. Ultimately, I just enjoy making things people will actually use.
Self contained + End-to-end = Reliable Systems.
The majority of my work lives on a self-hosted Gitlab instance.
/> Technical Lead
GearSite Web Solutions
March 2017 - Present, Waterloo IA
Initially freelanced for previous clients and secured new partnerships. Delivered end-to-end solutions that encompassed planning, execution, deployment, and support. Led and mentored a dedicated team of developers and interns from a local college, fostering professional growth. Managed direct interactions with customers, maintaining relationships and overseeing internal business operations to ensure seamless delivery.
/> Software Developer
Numersys Inc.
July 2016 - December 2020, Toronto ON (Remote)
Implemented new features and supported existing ERP Software customers on the ASP.NET platform in the cabinet manufacturing sector. Aided in the development of a new ERP using Symfony and EmberJS in the agricultural sector. Lead a small team of Junior Developers and trained them on internal tooling. Spearheaded marketing efforts while developing new features within EmberJS and Symfony based ERP applications.
/> Web & Graphic Designer
Adrenaline X
2015 - 2016, Cedar Falls IA
Developed and executed comprehensive marketing materials and branding strategies to enhance business visibility and event promotion. Created content for online marketing through social media to advertise events and sales. Built and maintained a Wordpress website to help market the business and increase bookings online.